It’s Time for EDGE to Get A Bigger Table

What If?

We are often asked about how EDGE Nebraska City started.  Usually those asking want to know if it was a subcommittee of some larger group, did the schools start it, the city, who?  EDGE Nebraska City started when a group of passionate people from all different sectors sat around a table and looked at local data. No larger entity or organization called us together, we were unaffiliated. Our first meeting led to a conversation of “what if?”.  And that one question turned into bigger questions like “Do you think we could raise enough money to give books to kids?”  “Do you think we could create a curriculum that helps kids understand their role in the community?”  “How could we offer a program to groups in Nebraska City to teach them about poverty?” As a result of those questions we now provide 400+ books a month, offer a quarterly Super Citizen program for 3rd graders and have led numerous groups through poverty workshops.  

The Questions Kept Coming

Because of our success, those same people around the table have a whole new set of questions.  A few of them include:  “Could we raise enough money to get books to kids every month for TEN YEARS?”  “Can we create a program about college and careers for 4-6 graders?”  “What if we developed a financial literacy course for kids and their parents?”  Because the questions and ideas come at a pretty rapid pace with this group, we get a little overwhelmed too.  The last time we gathered we didn’t have all the answers but we knew one thing.  WE NEED TO GET A BIGGER TABLE.   If we are going to continue to offer programs and opportunities that give every child and their family an EDGE we need more  people around the table that share our passion.

Pull Up A Chair!

Committees, Boards and Volunteering are not just for the well connected or for those that have a flexible work schedule.  It’s for anyone that has a passion for the work being done.  That’s it.  For example; do you have a passion for getting books to under-resourced kids?  We need you!  Do you think everyone should have a basic understanding of the different kinds of poverty?  We have a seat waiting for you at the table!  Do you have a big idea that would result in more kids having college and career exposure?  Pull up a chair!

Take a minute to complete this quick form to let us know if you have a passion for the work EDGE is doing in Nebraska City.  Together with those already seated and those already vlunteering, we will make a bigger impact.

We will save a place for you.

The EDGE Nebraska City Advisory Board


So many fun and cutting edge events are available to your family! Check them out on our calendar.

For Parents

Learn more about our cutting edge programs made especially to help give your children an EDGE in life.

Community Education

Being part of the Nebraska City community, learn how you can support EDGE.

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