EDGE Resources
Steps to Healthy Economical Meals
Five Finger Rule for Reading
Bedtime: How much sleep should a child get?
Activites and Games
Family Media Agreement
Family Reading Tips- Spanish
PreK-Kindergarten Success
School Success
When is too Sick for School
Community Response
Food Securities
7 Things To Do Before Homework
EDGE Programs
WOW! 35,000 Books will be distributed by our 10 Year Anniversary in 2027!
Reader's EDGE
Citizen’s EDGE

Jumpstart Literacy
Early EDGE
“Well Check” Baby Book Program (Ages 0-1 year):
Early EDGE Doctor’s Office Pilot Project (Ages 1-3):

Kindergarten Ready Bags
Book Besties
Super Citizens 3.0 & 4.0
When a child feels connected to their community it helps their entire family feel connected. Our Citizen’s EDGE program, serving Hayward 3rd and 4th graders, is one way we connect families to their community. Local volunteers, called Super Citizens, visit classrooms and help students build a profile of a Super Citizen. The program also features service learning opportunities, exposure to community assets, and the chance to taste a perfectly ripe apple! Giving back to the community by serving and donating is a component embedded into all Super Citizen programming.
Money Managers 5.0
Each 5th grade student becomes a Money Manager through our financial literacy program. Local “Banking Buddies” are matched with classrooms to teach the concepts of Earn, Save, Spend & Donate. Students are also learning to manage their own budget while also doing community service projects four times a year to earn their money.