What’s Next? Citizen’s EDGE!

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world.  Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.

– Margaret Mead

One of the primary goals of EDGE Nebraska City is to offer a progressive program for our young citizens that offers something in each grade.  We started in Preschool with our Book Bestie program and that has now expanded to Pre-school-2nd Grade at our public school. So the question for our planning board then became “What’s Next?” and the answer was easy…our  next step is helping kids understand they are an important part of our community and from there “Citizen’s EDGE” was born.

Four times a year our volunteers will visit 3rd grade classrooms at Hayward Elementary with a “Super Citizen”.  A Super Citizen is someone from our local community that is doing their part to keep their community clean, safe, help problem solve and more.  Third graders will develop a service project and learn about the traits of a good citizen. How can a 3rd grader contribute to their community? There are so many ways and we can’t wait to explore the unlimited ideas with them!  

Helping young children understand their part in a community helps them see themselves as an important link in the day to day life of their family, school, neighborhood, community and world.  And then they will begin to dream and imagine ways they can make their world even better. One of the books we will be using during Citizen’s EDGE is What Can a Citizen Do by David Eggers.  A line from the book reminds us that the power of a citizen that cares is limitless:  “A citizen can pick up litter. A citizen can pull a weed. A citizen can help that critter. A citizen can plant a seed. A citizen can aid a neighbor. A citizen can join a cause. A citizen can write a letter. A citizen can help change laws.” Here’s a peak at the book.

Just think of what our young citizens can do once they are inspired by our Super Citizens. They can and will change the world by Engaging with a Super Citizen volunteer, Discovering the characteristics of a good citizen, Growing as a civic minded student and Embarking on the adventure of serving their neighbor.  That’s a Citizen’s EDGE!


So many fun and cutting edge events are available to your family! Check them out on our calendar.

For Parents

Learn more about our cutting edge programs made especially to help give your children an EDGE in life.

Community Education

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