Creating a Community of Readers. It Takes a Village

Reading. Literacy. Books. Stories.  We talk about it a lot at EDGE Nebraska City because we strongly believe that it is one of the most important factors in building a bright future.  But bright futures can’t be built in a silo. THe entire community plays a role in helping a child AND their family develop a bright future. By building relationships, encouraging each other and dropping our assumptions about people are ways we can help build a bright future for every family in our community.

An easy way to work together to build this future is through a shared love of reading.  When kids can read at grade level by third grade it can change the trajectory of their academic career.  And the way we get to grade level by 3rd grade is to promote the joy of reading throughout the community.  When a child is read to, has access to books or sees adults reading these are all things that show reading is important at any age.  It helps them master those basic literacy skills so they can”read to learn”. And once you “read to learn” a huge world opens up!

What does a community of readers look like?  It’s books available in waiting rooms whether it’s the dentist, chiropractor or medical clinic.  Maybe it’s a basket of books at the hair salon, laundromat, restaurant or church. Its seeing adults read in waiting rooms, its hearing conversations about what we’re reading.  Its tuning in every Sunday Night to our Facebook Page to watch “Sunday Stories”. It’s asking your child about the book they got from their Book Bestie AND then reading it together.  It’s all of these things and so much more. How can you, a Nebraska City citizen, promote a culture of reading in your corner of the community?

In February Lourdes Central Catholic Schools, Nebraska City Public Schools, Morton James Public Library and many others are teaming up for One Book One Community.  The book is The Wish Tree by Kyo Maclear.  Wouldn’t it be wonderful if everywhere you went in town, whether it was the grocery store, the Dr, the basketball game or church, everyone was talking about the same book!  Stop by the local library and ask about getting a copy of the book so you can join the community of readers!


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