Resiliency: THEY think you need some.

Stretched but not broken

Who are THEY? “They say”.  How many times have we heard a sentence over the past 7 months start with “they say”?  They say there’s not enough tests, they say […]

A New Favorite Returns

A New Tradition Returns… In January of  2020 (oh so long ago) when we could anticipate the rhythm of a week, EDGE started a series called “Sunday Stories”.  Each Sunday […]

Under Construction: The Teenage Brain

EDGE Nebraska City’s first EDGE Event of the 2019-20 School Year is Understanding the Teenage Brain.  For parents of teenagers the years can be rewarding, hard, joy filled and sleepless.  […]

What’s Next? Citizen’s EDGE!

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world.  Indeed it is the only thing that ever has. – Margaret Mead One of the primary […]

Why Literacy

EDGE Bestie Reading to Group

“Literacy is the most basic currency of the knowledge economy.” – President Barack Obama EDGE Nebraska City volunteers often get asked if we are that new “book program”.  Yes, we […]