Wellbeing in our Backyard

Guest Blog by Austin Mackrill, Vice President at Arbor Day Farm Trees are simply amazing. They give us the much needed EDGE in life as they clean our air and […]

It’s Time for EDGE to Get A Bigger Table

What If? We are often asked about how EDGE Nebraska City started.  Usually those asking want to know if it was a subcommittee of some larger group, did the schools […]

Resiliency: THEY think you need some.

Stretched but not broken

Who are THEY? “They say”.  How many times have we heard a sentence over the past 7 months start with “they say”?  They say there’s not enough tests, they say […]

Summer Stories 24/7

Our summer reading series is available here all summer long. Click on the link to all stories by local readers. Check back often to see more stories added! Reading success […]

Book Bestie April Stories-Kindergarten

Our Book Besties miss seeing their classes and hope we can read together soon. Pat, a Kindergarten Book Bestie, reads our April story. So Kindergarteners grab your new book and […]